Online Counseling / E-Therapy / TeleMental Health offered!

Below are some commonly asked questions for this type of service. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me for further details and explanation.

Let’s see if this service offering may be helpful and appropriate for you!

What is Online Counseling?

Online Counseling is therapy provided through a HIPAA secure video link. You will receive a secure link to access your scheduled online session. Therapy sessions take place just as they would in an in-person setting. You must be in a safe, private location with no other individuals or distractions in the room. You must also provide the address of your location to your therapist (i.e., your home address).

How much does it cost?

Online Counseling sessions are the same cost as In-Person sessions:

  • $100.00 for Individual Sessions (50-minutes)

  • $125.00 for Couples Sessions (50-minutes)

Is Online Counseling Secure?

Yes. ATB Counseling uses a secure portal that only you have access to. The link will be sent to an email address you provide. At the end of the counseling session, the link will expire. Online counseling sessions are NOT recorded by ATB Counseling. Clients are not allowed to record online counseling sessions.

Device & Internet Requirements?

If using a computer or laptop, the device must have a functional web camera and functional microphone. If using a smart phone or tablet, please ensure your settings allow for the web browser to access your device’s camera and microphone.

Most home internet plans meet the requirements needed for the secure video streaming. Please make sure you change your internet password (if you haven’t already) from the temporary password given to you by your internet provider.

Is the Therapist Qualified?

Yes! I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the State of Florida (MH12985). I am also a Board Certified TeleMental Health Provider in the State of Florida (BC-TMH 1858).

Do I ever have to participate in an In-Person Session?

Ideally, ATB Counseling would like the Initial Session be In-Person. After that, sessions can take place in the Online Counseling format. If additional In-Person sessions are recommended, we will talk about what that looks like for you. If an In-Person Initial Session is not feasible, each case will be approached on an individual basis.

Can any client participate in Online Counseling?

No. This service is for those clients 18 years of age and older. Clients must also be deemed suitable for the Online Counseling service offering. Suitability is individualized, which means not every client will be recommended to participate in Online Counseling. Suitability for the service will be discussed in the Initial Session.

What do I do in the event of an emergency or crisis?

If you are experiencing an emergency or crisis, please contact 911 or your local emergency helpline. At the time of your Initial In-Person Session, you will be provided with a list of emergency helplines in your immediate area.

Some additional 24/7 emergency helplines include:

  • Crisis Hotline — 211

  • National Suicide Hotline — 1-800-784-2433 or 1-800-273-8255

  • Crisis Text Line — Text HOME to 741741

What to do if the video connection is lost?

If this happens, please call me at the phone number I provided to you at the time of your Initial Session. We will troubleshoot quickly so that we can resume the therapy session with minimal disruption.

Please note that there may be a lag in the audio or video. My rule of thumb is to count to 3 at the end of a statement to allow for uninterrupted conversations :) Don’t worry…we’ve got this!

How do I pay for Online Counseling sessions?

At the start of the session, you will receive an invoice to be paid in full. Once payment is received, the session will begin. Accepted forms of payment include: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.

If I am a current client, can I switch to Online Counseling?

If you meet the suitability requirements, absolutely! If you are interested, let’s talk about this during your next scheduled in-person session.

Where do I have to be for Online Counseling?

You must be in a private, secure, comfortable, and properly lighted location that allows you to share during your therapy session. You must not have anyone else with you in the room during your private therapy session (unless the session is couples or family counseling). You must also prevent distractions in your location. In short, treat it as if you were going to an on-site, face-to-face counseling session.